Dr George Tantchev
Total Percussion Competition 2022/23

All musicians interested in entering the Fifth round of our Total Percussion Competition need to submit a one time non-refundable fee of $35 via PayPal.
Upon receipt of the entrance fee each participant will receive pdf files of the Solo Marimba part and the required background playback tracks of each movement of the Marimba Concerto. Each participant is required to submit a video recording performing the concerto along with the pre recorded tracks of each movement.
for submission of entrance fee of $35 is March 1st, 2024
to submit a video recording of playing along the three movements is May1st, 2024
Please, submit your video recording to:georgetantchev1@gmail.com
The jury will announce the winners by June 1st, 2024.
Ist prize - $500
and live performance of the Marimba Concerto in the Fall of 2024 with the String Orchestra of the National School of Music "Lyubomir Pipkov" at Bulgaria concert hall in Sofia conducted by Maestro Slavil Dimitrov.
2nd prize - $300
3rd prize - $200
(The winner is expected to meet any expenses which may occur associated with rehearsing and performing the concerto by him/herself. The Jury may offer to the 2nd prize winner to perform live in case the winner is unable to do it).

Child's Play (also known as Bulgarian Dance) for Solo Marimba
Round 4 - Breakfast - intermediate difficult duo for Snare Drum & Piano
Round 3 - Drum Set Solo in 7/8, Rachenitza
The solo can be found at the end of the Rachenitza chapter in Bulgarian Rhythms for Drum Set, Volume I or in
Four Solos in Bulgarian Rhythms for Drum Set edition.
Deadline for submission is May 1st, 2022
Round 2 - "Tornado F6"
A snare drum solo for Intermediate/Advanced percussionists.
​Deadline for submitting a video is April 1st, 2022.
Round 1 - "Folk Ballade"
A four mallet solo vibraphone piece, winner of the special prize of the Union of the Bulgarian Composers.
Deadline for submission is March 1st, 2022.
Competition Winners
A selected by jury members
Antonin Brjechka - Bulgaria
Radosvet Kukudov - Bulgaria
Wessela Kostova Giesecke - Germany
Boris Dinev - Luxembourg
Errol Rackipov - USA
Chris Tantchev - Australia
Iskra Palieva - Bulgaria
Maria Palieva - Bulgaria
Sylvie Zakarian - USA
Boyan Tantchev - USA
George C. Tantchev - USA
Dilqna Slaveikiva Shopova - Bulgaria
Snejina Hristova - Bulgaria
Alex Tzvetkov - Bulgaria
Stoyan Pavlov - Bulgaria
Maia Tosheva - Bulgaria
Marina Mindova - Bulgaria
Kiril Petrov - Bulgaria
George Malakov - Bulgaria